Super nice people

Everybody in South America is super kind to us.  They give us directions to places, they help us learn their language, and all in all are super nice.  I honestly did not think that the people here would like us as much as they do or be anywhere as nice to us as they are.  On New Years Eve these dudes were working at a firework stand and gave us free fireworks.  He gave us 5 boxes of sparklers, 4 spinners, and 5 little flares.  The cool thing about fireworks over here is they are all legal.  Then I told these ladies that were taking a order at a burger place “¡Feliz año nuevo!” (Happy new year) then they started laughing and sounded really happy because I tried my hardest to speak their language.  But when they said it back to me I did not understand what they said.  Everywhere we go people are really patient with our limited Spanish.  A dude named Gaston is trying to teach us Spanish  and he is super nice, he is trying his hardest to get us to actually understand it and speak it right.   He is also helping me on my surfing and boogie boarding.  He used to compete in boogie boarding.  He told me all of his secrets on surfing and boogie boarding.  The secret that helped me the most is how to hold the hold board, it really helped me get the big waves.  So do you see why I think people in South America are super nice to us?  They helped us as much as they can.

Boogie Boarding

Boogie Boarding

Big Wave

Me on a big wave

My Buddy Gaston

Mi amigo Gaston



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